
何かを変えたければデモは無意味、必要なのは対話か個人技 / Protest demonstration cannot change problems_#632


Suffering people would be pone to complain about their pain to their community, company, and government. Protest demonstration is an example. But I think it meaningless to solve the problems. We need an action to remove the core of the problem in spite of complainant, violence, and spiritless. I think the action would be categorized two direction; personal solution or communication. (This opinion is mentioned in democracy,  not  in the situation without freedom of speech like slavery.)

 もし社会や政治等が、自分たちの望むことをしてくれないと感じるなら、私はそれは「当事者意識の欠如」「人任せ」と思うのです。なぜなら、自分で変えようとしておらず、解決を他人に委ねている状態だからです。例えば、あなたが親で、どうしても明日遊園地に行きたい駄々っ子が、いるとしましょうか。しかしその日はあなたは仕事があるとしましょう。この子が遊園地に連れていかないと絶対にここを動かない等と言って、座り込んで抗議したら遊園地に連れていきますか? この場合は親には親の事情があり、子供の事情をその通り受け入れない何かがあるはずですよね。この例では、考えているのは常に親、子供はそれを受け入れるか否かの判断しかしていません。対話をしようとしていないのです。親側の立場も踏まえて話をしないと話は平行線ですよね。これはデモの例でも同じです。暴力に訴えたり、騒動を大きくするのは事の重大さを伝えるためでしょう。私なら、そんな考えは絶対に受け入れません。なぜなら、文句を言うことで要求が通ると学習すれば、都合が悪くなると文句を言うようになり、対話が成立しないからです。私ならそんな人は (話が通じないので) 相手にしません。

    If someone feel community and politics betray them, they would leave the problem to other people. I think they need ownership. Heaven helps those who help themselves. Community and government never work as heaven for you because they work for public welfare, not for personal happiness.

    I show you an example: I suppose a child want to go to amusement park and you are the parent of the child. The child request you to take he or her to  amusement park the next day with sitting protest. But you should work the next day. In this situation, do you accept the child's request? I think you would reject the child's request.  In this case, the parent decides everything and the child selects ONLY accept or reject. In this situation, I think the parent and the child discuss each other and share the feeling and situation. 

     In my opinion, I reject almost all the proposal requested by protestant demonstration. I think protest demonstration is almost similar as `the child of my example'. Most participants of protest demonstration just request heir opinion without communication with the opponent. They often resort to extreme method like violence to deliver their message. Extreme method easy to draw an attention. But I think this is a worse way to solve the problem. Once they accepted, hey should had continued extreme method to request. To shut out the 'spoiled child like behavior' the community or government would be prone to ignore protest demonstration.

I inteuduce a video; a protestant demonstration by black people  

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